Todd’s Story
Our team is hard working, with dedication and devotion to capitalize on the new direction of the Company. We have achieved initial success and are reorganizing the Company building on a solid foundation for CD-SEAS Mission Microgravity to expand. Since every team member is integral to CD-SEAS, there is an added commitment and motivation to work harder to create and obtain training for our members. CD-SEAS does this by researching opportunities, and personally applying for and submitting the paperwork for our members to receive scholarships and grants for training. This investment by CD-SEAS Mission Microgravity is an added value and at no cost to our members.
CD-SEAS Mission Microgravity acknowledges and rewards members for their service, thus taking measures in applying for a scholarship on behalf of Mr. Todd Kohorst.
Please, join us in congratulating Todd in receiving a scholarship for training and participation in a Miocene Fossil Dig in Florida, April 2017. The scholarship will fully cover his training, airfare, hotel, and food during this time. Through this Paleontology Scholarship, Todd will be providing his scientific findings by uncovering fossils he unearths from our past on this planet, and attentively linking these discoveries to Space Science and our Universe.
Todd brings a wealth of experience to CD-SEAS, and we are excited about his new role at the company. Todd has a Master of Science in Geoscience from Mississippi State University, a Bachelor of Arts in Earth Science/Space from Gustavus Adolphus College, and Minnesota Teaching Certifications for Science 5-8, and Earth and Space Science 9-12. Todd teaches 6th-grade Physical Science (Introductory Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering) in Farmington, Minnesota. His teaching style goes that extra mile by taking his students through a step-by-step, practical process to achieve their career goals in a STEM field.
Again, please join us in congratulating Todd Kohorst to his new position at CD-SEAS Mission Microgravity and for the distinction of being awarded a 2017 training scholarship.